
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pamper Time

I call pamper time, 2 hours of women chatting and laughing, and ending up with a beautiful set of nails. Every two months my pamper time includes another hour and a half of woman chat and more laughing as I get my hair beautified.  This was my exciting edition to my day other than the usual.

We have had a rough winter this year!

So FINALLY all that snow has started to melt and what do we look out and see today?
Can you see them??? We enjoy looking out and seeing the deer in our yard, however the other half of my yard is still covered in snow, and that happens to be the half with all the gardens, flower and vegetable. We do feed the birds, so it is like a bird sanctuary right now so the snow isn't completely ruining this Spring feeling.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

That's what life feels like sometimes, work, eat, sleep and repeat.

I woke up this morning to the alarm clock, how I hate waking up to that sound, I prefer to wake up naturally and usually I do. But today I woke up with a kink in my neck, oh joy!

Now the day begins, shower, clothes, make-up, hair, breakfast, say good bye to my Hubby and BeBe, and out the door to work.

Just another normal day at the office, phone, files, appointments, phone, files, appointments. FINALLY 4:00 pm, are we done yet? It is about another 20 minutes until I leave.

YES FREEDOM, hit the highway home in 15 minutes, greet my BeBe. I do however sneak in some judge shows before it is time to prepare supper.

YAY! Time to eat, oh wait, seriously, do I really have to make supper after working all day. Isn't there a magic supper fairy I could contact for this? We end up making General Tso Chicken from this recipe, to us it tastes more like a Chinese spicy chicken we get from a local Chinese restaurant. I just make some rice on the side, no vegetables in this meal.

As I sit to write this my eyes are getting heavy, it is past my bedtime, 8:40 pm. I will be conked out by 9:00 pm.

There will be an exciting addition to my day tomorrow, stay tuned to find out what it could be.

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.